girl jumping in air on the roadgirl jumping in air on the roadgirl jumping in air on the roadgirl jumping in air on the road

10 Emotions We Have All Had When Learning a New Language

**1. Joy, **when someone actually understands you speaking a foreign language for the first time.

**2. Horror, **when you realise you have been saying the wrong word for AGES and none of your friends corrected you.

How could they betray your trust like that?

3. Motivation**, **when you get in a great groove with your daily practice.

4. Confusion, when there’s a piece of grammar that doesn’t even exist in your native language yet is completely essential in your new language.

Cases? Gendered nouns? The future perfect continuous? What is this sorcery?

5. Relief, when you are so close to saying the wrong word but somehow, against all the odds, you pronounce it correctly.

6. Dismay, when you ask someone a question perfectly and they come back with a completely incomprehensible reply.

7. Excitement, when you’re sitting with a bunch of native speakers talking very quickly and YOU ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND WHAT’S GOING ON.

8. Exhaustion, when just the mention of another grammar rule pushes you to the brink of breakdown.

9. Satisfaction, when you use slang perfectly and all your new friends think you are pretty much the coolest. 

**10. Pride, **because no matter where you’re at in your language journey, it always feels great to look back and see how much you have achieved!

Let's face it - learning a language is tough, and we all need friends to help us along the way! On Tandem, you can meet language learners across the world and speak any language - click here to download the app for iOS and Android.

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